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Alexandra Mosoeanu (B.1994)
is a first generation Romanian American Artist born and raised in Philadelphia, PA. In 2016, Alex graduated from Moore College of Art & Design with a BFA and minor in Graphic Design. After graduating she taught art classes five years at Independence Charter School where she shared her love for creativity in all its forms. Moving forward from her teaching career, Alexandra’s focus now is to continue her immersive artistic practice which ranges from painting, drawing and small jewelry business.
Alexandra Mosoeanu has shown her work internationally in Romania and Portugal. Her work is collected by the Douro Museum and various private collectors in the United States, Columbia and Netherlands. She has displayed her work within the Goldie-Paley Gallery, Annenberg Gallery, James Oliver Gallery, Urban Art Gallery, Plays & Players Gallery, Beyond The Seams,Trolly Shop 215, The Common Room, Da Vinci Art Alliance and The Plastic Club.

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